Miss Jen

Jen Drapas has been a "Kindermusik mom" since 2007 when her first child began the program at the age of 9 months.  Both her daughter and son are Kindermusik graduates, and she is a true believer in the positive impact that early childhood music and movement education has had upon many aspects of their lives.  Jen obtained a Master's Degree in Nursing Education from Waynesburg University and works as a registered nurse clinical education specialist at an area hospital.  Her music background includes playing the organ, participating in musical theater, and singing in choirs.  She is so excited to share her love of music with children and their families as well as to watch them enjoy the same benefits she experienced with her own children.

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Day & Time Course Unit Ages Location Price  
Tue at 9:15 AM starts 9/10/24 Level 1 Monthly Themes 6m-23m Heritage Professional Building - Mars $70.00/m Register!
Thu at 9:30 AM starts 9/12/24 Level 1 Monthly Themes 6m-23m English Lutheran Church - Zelie $70.00/m Register!
Mon at 9:15 AM starts 9/9/24 Mixed Ages Monthly Themes 6m-6 Heritage Professional Building - Mars $70.00/m Register!
Tue at 11:15 AM starts 9/10/24 Mixed Ages Monthly Themes 6m-6 Heritage Professional Building - Mars $70.00/m Wait List
Thu at 11:30 AM starts 9/12/24 Mixed Ages Monthly Themes 6m-6 English Lutheran Church - Zelie $70.00/m Full
Mon at 10:15 AM starts 9/10/24 Level 2 Monthly Themes 23m-3y11m Heritage Professional Building - Mars $70.00/m Register!
Tue at 10:15 AM starts 9/10/24 Level 2 Monthly Themes 23m-3y11m Heritage Professional Building - Mars $70.00/m Wait List
Thu at 10:30 AM starts 9/12/24 Level 2 Monthly Themes 23m+ English Lutheran Church - Zelie $70.00/m Register!
Mon at 5:15 PM starts 9/9/24 KM Level 3+Parent Monthly Unit Themes 3y5m-5 Heritage Professional Building - Mars $70.00/m Register!
Mon at 6:15 PM starts 9/9/24 Level 4 Kindermusik Music Kindermusik Musicians Year One 4y8m-7 Heritage Professional Building - Mars $82.00/m Wait List